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How does this Reiki stuff work?

The system of Reiki stimulates energy to move in the body. You already have energy in the body but often it is not flowing with ease. Working with the system of Reiki shifts the energy. 


One of the most wonderful things about the system of Reiki is that we do not direct the energy or manipulate it in anyway. It is about being open and letting go, allowing your body to draw on the energy that is offered and take what it needs.


When we take away the rational mind, judging what is right or wrong for us, we open ourselves to the power of nature and its natural healing flow. You may not know what is best for you, but your body does.

What happens in a Reiki session?

During the treatment you’ll remain fully clothed and will be asked to lie on a massage couch. (I understand that in some circumstances you may feel more comfortable sitting on a chair and i'm more than happy to adapt)

What matters most is that you are comfortable during your Reiki treatment.


I usually work hands-on which means that I will gently place my hands in a series of positions on your body. Some areas obviously need to be treated with hands off anyway, but if you would prefer a full hands-off treatment can be provided.

Will I feel anything during the treatment?

It is quite common to experience feelings of; deep relaxation, intense emotion, visions of vivid colours or feel immense heat or cold during a Reiki treatment. However, it is important to note that Reiki is a very subjective experience meaning that you will have an experience that is unique to you.


There is no right or wrong way to experience Reiki. What you experience at the time will be right for you at that moment. You may even find that you have completely different experiences each time you have Reiki.

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